Choir-All Levels (scroll down for Music Appreciation)

Thank you so much for covering my class(s) today!

Everything you’ll need for the day* is stored in a black bin with a yellow top in a room behind the sanctuary as pictured: You shouldn’t need to set up the piano today unless you want to. It’s in the same room.

*I forgot to leave my bluetooth speaker so Amazon is delivering one early in the morning!*

Links for everything are included in this document and also at:


    • During the first class we discussed how our bodies are our instruments. We stood in a circle at the front of the sanctuary and did a few minutes of basic stretching. Reaching up high, touching toes, rolling shoulders back and forward, etc. You can ask for a student volunteer to lead the group if you’d like!


I’ve recorded all of these exercises. You can access video and sound here:

  • If at any point the singers want (or need!) to stop the recording and do something over, please encourage them to do so.

    • Breathing

    • Lip Trills

    • Vocal Exercises

      • The singers will need the Solfege handout which they should keep in their binders for next week.


    • Bele Mama

      • The warm-up video leads into practice with a song we learned last week.

      • After practicing with the video, they can sing along with this YouTube video:

  • Have them try it several times with the recording and then once or twice without.

    • This is Me

      • For review, have the students listen to the original Broadway cast recording: YouTube Video (sound only)


      • Have the students stand (or sit tall!) and sing through the piece with the recording. Encourage them to use their pencils to circle the places in their music where they made a mistake as they are singing.**

      • After singing through once, have the students look through their music and find the spots they had trouble with. Ask them to think about what they can do differently the next time they sing.

      • Sing through at least one more time. More if they ask, less if they seem bored or restless!

**Some of the younger/beginner singers won’t be able to follow along in the music and that is totally okay! They can ask a buddy to help them find their place.

Story Time


Music Appreciation

*You can ask either of my kiddos (Max and Isaac) to use their iPads to play any videos/music.*

  1. Writing Prompt: List all the different types of music (genres) that you can think of. Which genre of music do you tend to listen to the most? The least? Are there some genres that are more “popular” than others?

    1. 1.1. Share your list with the class. Did your classmates list genres that you are unfamiliar with?

  2. Read in Resonances: Pages 32-34

    1. 2.1. Music in the World

      1. 2.1.1.Categories-Stop at the top of page 33 (Paragraphs 1, 2, and 3)

        1. to an example of music by each of the musicians named: Mozart, Pink Floyd and Hendrix

            1. Are they similar? Are they different?

    2. 2.2.Read in Resonances: Pages 36-37 (Stop just before Fixed Composition vs. Improvisation)

    3. 2.3. Listening Activity

      1. 2.3.1.Listen to the music from this playlist. Name the genre you feel BEST describes the sound of the music

    4. 2.4. Genre and Rhythm

      1. 2.4.1. Practice playing these different rhythms using rhythm sticks. Each one has a distinct sound. It’s wild to think that just a slight variation using the same simple notes can create such a unique feel and sound!



    1. 2.5. For fun! Getting to Know Your Classmates

      1. 2.5.1.Ask each of the students to write down the name of a song they like (with lyrics appropriate for a learning environment!). Keep the songs secret from the other students. Use your preferred streaming service to play a short clip of the song and ask the students to guess who picked the song.

3. With the time remaining, the students are free to explore the shelf with books and instruments in the back of the room or tinker away at: