
Our Music Readers are currently reading…

Cesaria Feels the Beat

A young girl is excited to perform but wants to do so without her shoes on. Why do you think that is? And will her teacher allow it?

FREE Resources For All!


Make a Feather Headdress



  • Two, long paper strips

  • Glue dots or glue

  • Colorful feathers

  1. Lay one paper strip in front of you on a flat surface.

  2. Place glue dots (or glue) in a straight line in the middle third of the paper strip.

  3. Place feathers onto the glue (dots). If using peacock feathers, be sure to place them face down so that the colorful eye is on the outside of the headdress when you put it on.

  4. Lay the second paper strip on top of the first to cover excess glue.

  5. Wrap the strips around your forehead and secure with glue dot in the back!

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📖 Musical Story Time!
✏️ Activity Printables

The Cesaria Feels the Beat Box Includes:

  • Cesaria Feels the Beat
    by Denise Rosario Adusei

  • Egg Shakers

  • Feather Headdress Craft
    (Paper Strips, Glue Dots, Feathers)

  • Coloring Sheet

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