Look. Listen. Learn.
Nighttime Symphony by Timbaland
There’s no reason to be wary of those summer thunderstorms!
Timbaland writes, “The rain was just a lullaby.”
What causes those loud summer storms and how in the world does a choir make it rain onstage?!
What Is Weather?
MUST WATCH: Choir makes a rainstorm
Songs perfect for a rainy day!
Subscribers, enter your Yoga Dreamland CD digital download code here!
Don’t stop learning now! Visit these websites to read about the author of Nighttime Symphony, the weather and more!
Timbaland-Producer, Musician and Author Photo from Variety.com
Encyclopedia Britannica Kids: Timbaland kids.britannica.com/
Weather Safety Coloring Book: www.fema.gov/pdf/library/color.pdf
Lightning Safety Tips: www.weather.gov