Ask the Author: Susan Verde, Rock 'N' Roll Soul

Photo by Cari Miller Photography


Susan Verde is busy busy busy! You may find this author and mother of two teaching yoga, as a guest on a podcast, giving speaking engagements and writing for numerous print and online publications. In this interview, Susan tells us about her inspiration for her writings, her favorite musical genres and she mentions some very…interesting pets!


When did you become interested in writing? I have always loved writing since I can remember. I liked to write stories and poems and observations even as a young child, even when I didn’t know how to spell at all. It was fun for me. I didn’t think about it as a career until I was much older. I had many jobs before that, one being a kindergarten teacher. But all the while I wrote just for myself.

What inspired you to write the book Rock ’N’ Roll Soul? I love music. It has been an important part of my life forever. My mother owned an R & B and hip-hop label for many years when I was in elementary school. She was ahead of her time. My father played the guitar and we all sang at home. I was in my school chorus as well AND I worked at VIBE magazine in my early 20’s as well as going dancing to house music and following particular DJ’s who were playing in the NYC nightclub scene. This was all before becoming a teacher. Like for most people, music has defined different periods in my life and is still a way I relax or energize myself. I wanted to write a book about how all kinds of music can affect us and move us and all have value. I want kids to be moved and inspired to explore different genres and musical self-expression. There is music all around us…on the street, in our homes, in nature…and it’s all a part of our lives. Rock n Roll Soul is my ode to music and finding your own individual groove and musicality.

Do you sing or play an instrument? I used to play piano and sing in the chorus. As a kindergarten teacher and then mom I sang all of the time. My kids tell me I turn everything into a song, but I don’t typically sing outside of my home or classroom unless I am in the car!

I love how the book references different musical styles. What is your favorite musical genre? My favorite musical genres are house music, hip hop and R & B. House music and hip-hop form the 90’s are my very favorite. I have so many good memories dancing and witnessing rap battles on street corners and appreciating the poetry of it all. It is a hard question because I also love Frank Sinatra and Billi Holiday and some pop music too. Sorry, can’t narrow it down.  

Most authors say this question is too hard to answer but I have to ask: What is your favorite song or musician? Yep. I can’t answer that one! Maybe one that I love and think of (and sing) often around my kids is Three Little Birds by Bob Marley. I sang that to all 3 of my children when they were babies and I was trying to get them to sleep. Otherwise the list is long. 

What are some of your favorite books/authors to read? That is also a difficult question as there are SO many! I still read picture books even though my own kids are older because there are tons of amazing ones and they keep coming. I also like to read YA novels. Anything by Jason Reynolds and Elizabeth Acevedo are always incredible.

Okay I know this is a hot button topic amongst yogis: Music during yoga practice. Yes or no? If yes, what do you enjoy listening to while you practice? If no, why not? I actually enjoy music during my own yoga practice, but it needs to fit the flow. I don’t like music just for music’s sake. I take a wonderful class where the teacher is accompanied by someone playing the sitar and it’s amazing. When I teach kids classes I feel like the music needs to be very intentional to the movement and energy of the class and then it can be very helpful getting kids to focus or move their bodies in a specific way. 

Two of your hobbies, yoga and writing, are very peaceful and relaxing.  Do you have any extreme hobbies like rock climbing or riding dirt bikes?!  Ha! I wish! My sons are incredibly brave. One surfs and skateboards and the other plays football. I however like to maintain a little mellow. I love to bike ride and hike, swim in the ocean and travel. But nothing too extreme. I do have some pretty crazy pets at home that make me feel a little courageous or maybe just a little crazy. We have a tarantula and a snake. But that’s about it.

Lastly, what (if anything!) can you tell us about your upcoming projects? I am always working on things and am grateful to have some books coming out in September and spring 2021. This fall Peter H. Reynolds and I have a new addition to our I Am series called I Am One: A Book of Action to inspire the activist in all of us. It’s available now for pre-order. YAY! In the spring I have the second in my Feel Good Fairytales series with Jay Fleck called The Tossy-Turny Princess and the Pesky Pea: A book to help you fall asleep. All the info is on my website so I hope everyone will check them out. 

Thank you so much for the thoughtful questions! I wish music and joy for you all!! 


Thank you, Ms. Verde for sharing your thoughts (and your writing!)
with the Music Library Community!

INSPIRING a love of learning through music and reading.