Drum Dream Girl: Companion Books

Drums and Dreams! Here are some great suggestions to add to your library and keep you drumming and dreaming!

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By Melissa Raé Shofner

Who are the people of Cuba? Readers will probe this question through this lively book about the cultural traditions, festivals, music, art, dance, and food of this Caribbean island nation. Each page features stunning photographs, which make the information pop.

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Written by Thea Guidone

Illustrated by Vanessa Newton

What begins with one boy’s beat on a kettle soon spreads to pots and pans and cartons and cans all across the neighborhood. When everyone joins in, together they create the catchy, driving tempo of a bright, hot DRUM CITY!

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Written by Becky Ray McCain
Illustrated by Stacey Schuett

While Kimmy's parents look for a house close to Daddy's job, Kimmy stays with her Chippewa grandmother. The bad dreams she has had still bother her. But with her grandmother's help, she learns about dreamcatchers and together they make one.

For the Grown-Ups!

Check out the book Queens of Havana for a great history of the Castro family and the making of the all-girl Cuban dance band, Anacaona! Written by saxophonist and Anacaona member, Alicia Castro, this is a great read for anyone who loves music history and stories of unlikely success.

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Music Library hopes you’ll look for these titles at your local independent bookstore or public library!

Don’t forget to visit the
Digital Resources Page!

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For more fun related to drumming and dreaming including videos, printables and fun facts, visit the Music Library Resources Page!

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Inspiring a love of learning through music and reading.