My Name is Celia

My Name is Celia Me llamo Celia by Monica Brown Illustrated by Rafael Lopez educational subscription box for kids music picture books children salsa Cuba lesson plans

Look. Listen. Learn.

My Name is Celia~Me llamo Celia an award-winning picture book written by Cuban author Monica Brown and illustrated by Rafael López. This bilingual book includes not just a Spanish word of phrase here and there but the full text in both. English and Spanish. Some topics to explore after you’ve read this colorful story about Celia Cruz, Queen of Salsa, include: Cuba’s History and Geography, Salsa Music, and Azúcar (sugar)-Celia’s signature greeting!

Look 👀

Why is Celia Cruz Called the Queen of Salsa?


What is Salsa Music?


The music from Cuba is lively, upbeat and energetic!
Celia Cruz was known for her powerful vocals and eccentric performances.

Kid-friendly salsa music playlist by Music Library educational music subscription box for kids
Kid-friendly salsa music playlist by Music Library educational music subscription box for kids


Mini Music Lesson: Salsa on the claves!

This short video will teach you how to play a classic salsa beat with claves and maracas!

claves salsa Celia Cruz music lesson plans
claves salsa Celia Cruz music lesson plans



Sugar! It’s yummy…and it’s in EVERYTHING! Did you that the average American consumes 50 POUNDS of sugar each year?!* Oops!

Check your food labels! Food companies have gotten sneaky over the years, adding sweeteners to products where we wouldn’t expect them to and using names we may not recognize as sugary ingredients. Here are seven names for sugar to be on the look for: Corn Syrup, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Fructose, Sucralose, Dextrin, Rice Syrup, Cane Juice/Syrup

Read more interesting facts about sugar.

All about Cuba!**

the island of Cuba home to Celia Cruze my name is me llamo children’s picture book salsa

Population: 11,382,820

Capital City: Havana

Official Language: Spanish

Money: Peso

Home to the smallest bird in the world:
The Bee Hummingbird

National Sport: Baseball

cuban flag Celia cruz salsa lesson plan my name is Celia me llamo Celia

*"Hidden in Plain Sight.” SugarScience, University of California San Francisco,

**”Cuba Facts for Kids.” KidsWorldTravelGuide.comKids World Travel,